Increase your Revenue
Become a publisher.

Generate more income from your website/app users by hosting our tasks wall.

Apply How it Works

Make money in 5 Minutes

Start making money in just a couple of minutes after setting up your micro task wall.

Easy Integration

Start displaying our micro task wall in your website easily.

Detailed Tasks Wall

A full detailed micro task wall with all functionalities and tracking available.

Instant Post back

Get an S2S Callback right after a submission is approved.

NET 30 Payments

NET 30 Payment term, issued in the first 14 days of each month.

How it Work

Start monetizing your website with micro task and reward your users with the virtual currency you wish.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how this work.
You start by applying for an account Here providing information about you and your website/app.
After your application is approved you'll be required to provide some rewarding details like virtual currency, USD ratio and the post back URLs...
By having all the information required, we can deliver a unique task wall URL for your website/app to be displayed via Iframe or direct link for each user in your website/app.

Your users will start to check the task wall for available micro tasks. A task will contain a simple step by step guide to complete it and the required proof to be provided (Submitted).
In the other part the task owner will verify the provided proof by your users and choose to accept/reject it according to the submitted proof accuracy and fulfilment of the required task needs.

In case the task owner accept your user submitted proof, you'll receive a server-to-server call back containing all the details about the task and the user who completed it (User ID, Payout...)
Then you can choose how to reward your user (Points, lives, cents...)

NOTE: You can contact us anytime to ask about anything or to help with the integration.

Apply to become a Publisher

You must be the owner of this Website/App